Seasonal Touring
Frequently Asked Questions
There is a lot to think about when considering Seasonal Touring. Though if any of these do not answer your questions then please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be happy to help.
Q. Can I stay for just a few nights?
A. No, we have an exclusively seasonal touring park, this means that all of the pitches on our parks are for seasonal use only. Where customers bring their caravan for the entire season (7th March – 30th November) & pay an annual pitch fee.
Q. What is the maximum age of touring caravans on your parks?
A. All caravans must be under 15 years old. If your caravan is 14 years old when making the application but will turn 15 years prior to 30th November, then this caravan would not be permitted.
Q. Do you accept European caravans?
A. We only accept touring caravans where the door is on the British manufactured side
Q. Do you accept dogs?
A. No, we only accept registered assistance dogs.
Q. Can I leave my awning up?
A. No, your awning must be taken down when you are not occupying your caravan.
Q. Can I remove my caravan during the season?
A. Yes, if you wish to take it somewhere for either another holiday, a service, etc. this is not a problem please provide reception with as much notice as possible so that we are able to make the necessary arrangements.
Q. When can the height restriction barrier be opened?
A. During our office opening hours (prior arrangement must be made with reception, so that they are able to notify our maintenance team). Our office opening hours are currently 9:00am – 12:30pm & 13:30pm – 16:30pm. Outside of these hours a team member will only available for genuine emergencies via the emergency telephone numbers provided.
Q. Can I erect a pole on my pitch to give myself a satellite signal?
A. We would always try our very best to accommodate these types of request, however you must fill out a permissions form first. We will then assess your request and approve or deny it. Permission forms are available from reception.
Q. Can I change my caravan part way through the season?
A. Yes, you are welcome to upgrade your caravan at any point throughout the season. Please could you let reception know as early as possible so that we are able to amend your paperwork and arrange for the barrier to be opened/closed as and when needed.
Q. Do you offer winter storage?
A. No we do not offer winter storage, but we do have a company nearby that does. Once you are an owner on site we are able to give you their details.
Q. Do you have a waiting list for Premium +/Corner Pitches?
A. Yes we do, please either complete the online application form or let reception know that you would like to be added to this list. Priority is given to customers who are already on our touring park.
Q. Do the fees change each year?
A. We assess our pitch fees annually, so these are subject to change.
Q. Are the toilet blocks exclusively for seasonal tourers?
A. Yes, as a seasonal touring customer on Northcliffe & Seaview Holiday parks you have exclusive use of the shower facilities, these are not open to the public or our static caravan owners.